Time Lapse Part 1

Now I have a decent view from my office window it's time for some Time Lapse photography. Something I have been contemplating for a while.
This basic example is my first real go at the subject and I'm using it as a test case, including pre and post processing in Adobe After Effects.

So watch this space as I will be spending the next couple of weeks cruising around looking for a good location where I can set my gear up and leave it un-attended ...well for a short time at least.

Train Station - Early morning

...OK another quick go which certainly proved to be a little more fruitful this time.
I realised afterwards I had done a few things incorrectly but nothing major. My biggest mistake was the focus. I decided to re-locate the camera after a few test shots. During which I forgot to reset the focal point.
Another tip is to ensure that you do not use Auto focus and look to lock your exposure and F stop to a single value.

Much happier with this test mainly because the subject matter was a lot more interesting.
Gives me plenty more to contemplate and I will certainly revisit this little spot and look to capture a lot more activity next week, weather pending :)

Total images capture 450 capturing at every 3 seconds.


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