July Photo Challenge

It's official the gauntlet has been laid down between 4 budding photographers to go out and capture a few images based around 4 specific topics.
After a week of emails and general discussion the topics have been agreed as follows;

1- Reflection
Pretty straight forward or is it???

2- Fast and the Furious
This one met with a few hum's and arrr's but good all the same

3- Retired
Should be easy plenty of us old folks running around.

4- warm
Well it is winter so should be able to find a subject to warm the souls.

The rules are easy, no Photoshop work. Only Light room or ACR edits for general tweaks such as exposure, highlights, shadows etc,  and of course cropping.

The more you can do in camera the better.

So off you go lads, and for those interested in following you will be able to see my results here and the others at the following websites.

Mark - http://mg-snapshot.blogspot.co.nz/
Will - http://willsramblingsnz.blogspot.co.nz/
Rob - https://plus.google.com/112128612237518042890/posts

Challenge ends 31st July 2015...tick tock, tick tock


  1. Nice, now that I'm starting to recover and feel almost human again I should be able to get out and work on a couple of ideas I have,


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